Brendan's Stilton Christmas Buns

Christmas Tree of Stilton Walnut Christmas Buns

The first one I made was a large, round, sweet version that contained chocolate, but I have adapted it to be a savoury version in the recipe below. Excellent for ...

Bredan's best Gingerbread

The ‘Best Recipe’ of the Pain d’épices (Gingerbreads)

There are many recipes for gingerbreads, but this one, in my view, is one of the finest. It is moist, light, and deliciously aromatic with its range of spices. It ...

Brendan's Baltic Orange and Cinnamon Kringle Bread

Baltic Orange and Cinnamon Kringle Bread

Ingredients 300g of organic, all-purpose white flour ½ tsp salt 160ml lukewarm, whole milk – warmed 1 envelope of active dry yeast (7g) 30g melted butter – cooled 1 egg ...

Recipes Galore

Mini Madeleines

Orange Ginger Cake

Almond Dacquoise with Berry Fruits

Cypriot Olive & Mint Bread

Gingerbread Sponge with Poached Pears

Chocolate & Orange Marbled Loaf Cake

Choux Pastry

Mini Dundee Cakes

Hazelnut & Chocolate Bundt Cake

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Brendan's Spooky Meringues

Spooky Meringues

Ingredients 4 large, free-range egg whites pinch salt 225g/8ozs caster sugar 1 ½ tablespoons of cornflour and working with a good google ads quality score sifted 1 ½  tsps vanilla extract Preparation method Preheat the oven to 55C/130F/Gas 1. Beat the egg whites and salt together in a stand mixer bowl until soft peaks form when the whisk is removed. Add the sugar one […]

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Chicken liver & Bacon Dog Treats

onty is the first dog I have ever owned. Before we got him two years ago we did some research online about the different dog food brands. What we found was quite shocking – many foods and treats seemed to be packed with nasties of various kinds. We finally found kibble and wet food that […]

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Honey-Bun Bears

Along with the ‘Doggy Hot Dog’ rolls, these buns came out of an afternoon experimenting with dough. They are fun to make and will surely delight your younger customers, especially when filled with jam and whipped cream or perhaps some whipped cream blended with Nutella. Am still working on pussy cat and rabbit buns. Watch […]

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Doggy Hot Dog Rolls

I was playing around with dough the other day seeing what shapes I could come up with. Monty-the-Labradoodle sat watching me with his calm, and sometimes unnerving, gaze. Looking at his face I had the idea to create these little rolls. They are simple to make and great fun for children. You could fill them […]

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Candied Orange Peel with lemon and Lime

This home-made candied orange peel is far superior to the ‘mixed peel’ found in the supermarkets. Occasionally you can find good quality peel at Christmas time,and in some stores in London throughout the year, but it is easy to make your own. Can be stored in an airtight container for 6-8months. The recipe for lemon […]

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Rhubarb & Ginger Cake

Introduction A couple of years ago we met a lovely couple – Neville and Janet – while out walking Monty-the-Labradoodle. Turned out that they are great dog lovers and sometimes look after Monty for us which makes us all happy! Neville is also a keen gardener and has an allotment where he grows a lot […]

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Six Top Tips for Perfect Scones

Of all the baking-related questions I get asked, the most common relate to scones. Who would have thought that making such an everyday treat could involve so many hazards? Seems that many people’s efforts turn out like leaden rock cakes rather than the light and fluffy vehicles of jam and cream. Scones are a long-standing […]

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Barberry & Pecan Scones

About two years ago I was introduced to Iranian cooking through Margaret Shaida’s classic book The Legendary Cuisine of Persia. The use of fruit in savoury dishes is a particular feature of this magnificent culinary tradition. Dried red barberries are especially common – imparting a tart flavor to various rice and meat dishes. Looking through […]

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Lemon, Honey & Ginger Upside-Down Cake

Could this be the first recipe inspired by a heavy cold?! I’ve always loved lemon cakes and was recently playing around with an upside-down version inspired by Hannah Miles’ recipe in The Gluten-Free Baker. At the time I was making regular hot lemon, honey and ginger for my partner to ease his cold and sore […]

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Brendan's Gluten-free Pecan and Mixed Fruit Bread

Gluten-free Pecan and Mixed Fruit Bread

Perhaps it’s just coincidence but in the last few weeks I’ve met a number of people – online and in person – who have asked me about gluten-free bread. Making bread suitable for coeliacs has been become much easier with the wide availability of flour mixes (I use Dove Farms). However, it seems that people […]

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